Few questions exert such a great fascination on human conscience as those related to the meaning of life, history, and death. The belief in the resurrection of the dead constitutes an answer to a real challenge: What is the meaning of life and history in the midst of a world in which evil, injustice, and ultimately death exist? Resurrection is an instrument serving a broader, more encompassing reality: the Kingdom of God. Such a utopian Kingdom gathers the final response to the problem of theodicy and to the enigma of history. This book seeks to understand the idea of resurrection not only as a theological but also as a philosophical category as expression of the collective aspirations of humanity, combining historical, theological, and philosophical analyses in dialogue with some of the principal streams of contemporary Western thought.
Publisher -
Language - English
Carlos Blanco
Published Date -
ISBN - 9780718892524
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
Page Count - 242
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