Embark on an enchanting adventure with the Tiny Travellers, Max and Georgia. In this captivating tale, Max possesses a unique superpower—he can travel to any place in his dreams. Joining him on these magical journeys is his little sister, Georgia, as they explore the world through the lens of mindfulness and imagination.
This book introduces young readers to the transformative power of mindfulness. As Max and Georgia's pizza pursuit takes them to the charming streets of Rome, Italy, they discover the joy of adventure and the tranquility of managing their emotions through mindfulness.
What sets "Tiny Travellers" apart is its interactivity. After the story, parents are equipped with engaging questions to extend the learning, promote speech, and enhance literacy skills. The book also includes guided scripts for breathing techniques, making bedtime a peaceful and bonding experience.
The guided meditations and breathing techniques are available on YouTube, providing parents with valuable tools to support their children's mental wellbeing.
The activity page, "My Emotion Today," invites children to express their feelings through drawing and colouring, fostering creativity and emotional articulation.
"Tiny Travellers" is more than just a children's book; it's a resource for nurturing positive bedtime routines and cultivating a calm mind. A healthy bedtime routine is the first step toward children's mental wellbeing, and this book is your guide.
Max and Georgia's adventures, set against the backdrop of charming Scottish characters, transport young readers to far-off lands like Rome, Italy, promoting the importance of imagination and expanding horizons.
Experience the magic of "Tiny Travellers" today, and embark on a journey filled with mindfulness, imagination, and the joy of a good night's sleep. Grab your copy now and nurture your child's mental wellbeing through the power of storytelling.
Thank you for considering "Tiny Travellers: Max and Georgia's Pizza Pursuit" as your bedtime companion. Your adventure awaits
Publisher - BookVAULT Publishing
Language - English
Francesca Elettra Cudignotto
Published Date - January 28 2024
ISBN - 9781836021254
Dimensions - 25.4 x 20.3 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 27
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