The Winged Man or, ’Twix Midnight And Dawn (1913) - The Spring-Heeled Jack Library: Volume 7


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The Winged Man

or, ‘Twixt Midnight and Dawn

A Spring-Heeled Jack Story

"The Winged Man is here!"

The final volume of the Spring-Heeled Jack Library was published as a serial in 1913. It tells the remarkable story of the enigmatic character known only as the Winged Man, a genius living on the margins of society. He gathers gold, precious gems and art pieces which he stores in his many subterranean lairs. He lives by his own rules on who he can enslave and who he can release, punish or reward, condemn and save. He can wreak destruction to retaliate for an affront and yet use everything in his power to save those he considers deserving.

Constantly challenged by his adversary, the detective Danby Druce, rivals both professionally and personally, the Winged Man sets out on marvellous adventures including missions of vengeance and attempts of salvation and a terrifying enforcement of his own form of justice.

This serial, published as a continuous narrative for the first time, includes an introductory essay by J.S. Mackley. 

The Spring-Heeled Jack Library: Volume 7



Publisher - Isengrin Publishing

Language - English




J.S. Mackley

Published Date - February 01 2024

ISBN - 9781917130073

Dimensions - 23.4 x 15.6 x 3.6 cm

Page Count - 647

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