In a world on the brink of war, a coalition of mythical creatures unite with their destined leader in this captivating book that blends fantasy, humor, and adventure. Conner, the protagonist, is a character readers rally behind with his readiness to embrace his destiny and recognize the significance of teamwork. Zeer is a vibrant and enchanting land filled with magic, mythical creatures, and a foreboding war. This is a place where untold secrets and unbridled magic remain undiscovered and waiting to be unleashed. Join Conner on his journey to victory and experience the power of teamwork like never before.
Publisher - C. N. Noble
Language - English
Elise Vowles
Published Date - April 25 2024
ISBN - 9798988518839
Dimensions - 21.6 x 14.0 x 2.5 cm
Page Count - 445
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