The Bee Hunter


Title: Paperback
Sale price£5.95


The Bee Hunter is a classic book written by George Harold Edgell, which follows the story of a skilled bee hunter named David, who navigates the countryside in search of wild bee colonies. As David immerses himself in the natural world and the behavior of bees, he encounters various challenges and adventures along his journey. The book beautifully captures the essence of nature, the intricate relationship between man and the environment, and the art of bee hunting. Through vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, Edgell invites readers to explore the world of bees and appreciate the importance of their role in the ecosystem. The Bee Hunter is a timeless tale that celebrates the wonders of nature and the wisdom of the natural world.


Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




George Harold Edgell

Published Date - September 15 2024

ISBN - 9609441106145

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm

Page Count - 24

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