Tahira the Elemental is an epic fantasy set in the rich, untamed landscapes of early European and North African prehistory. The story follows Tahira, a fierce and determined young woman gifted with elemental powers, as she struggles to protect herself and those that she loves from the constant threat of violence in a male-dominated world. In a time when survival often depends on brute strength, Tahira must harness her unique abilities and the strength of the powerful women around her to defy societal norms, challenge oppression, and carve out a future for the next generation. At its heart, Tahira the Elemental is a tale of maternal love, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of women in a world shaped by danger and conflict.
Publisher - Quite Good Books
Language - English
Author(s) - Derek M Cartwright
Published Date - November 07 2024
ISBN - 9781917495028
Dimensions - 23.4 x 15.6 x 1.4 cm
Page Count - 197
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