"Tad Coon's Great Adventure" by John Breck is a heartwarming children's book that follows the journey of a curious raccoon named Tad. Tad sets out on an adventurous quest to explore the vast forest surrounding his home, meeting new friends and encountering obstacles along the way. Through Tad's adventures, young readers will learn valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and perseverance.
The story is beautifully illustrated and filled with vibrant imagery that brings Tad's world to life. Children and parents alike will be captivated by Tad's escapades and the messages of friendship and bravery woven throughout the narrative. "Tad Coon's Great Adventure" is a timeless classic that will inspire young readers to embrace their curiosity and embark on their own great adventures.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
John Breck
Published Date - September 18 2024
ISBN - 9609441133479
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.3 cm
Page Count - 50
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