Title: Paperback
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This narrative chronicles the journey of a determined individual striving to eradicate the practice of human trafficking in his hometown during historical times. It showcases the resilience of the human spirit and underscores that a person of integrity can pursue daunting challenges and emerge victorious. Pa. Solomon illustrates that, while principles are crucial, adaptability remains a powerful force in life. This is exemplified in how people, including Solomon, embraced a new religion and its benefits, leading to societal shifts and relocations. Embracing novel lifestyles introduces new dynamics, structures, and opportunities, such as formal education, demonstrating the inherent advantages of embracing change. Ultimately, the story emphasizes the importance of embracing one's unique identity to unlock untapped potential.

Remi Oyedola is a captivating storyteller, adept at fascinating his audience with his engaging narratives. Drawing from his creative imagination, he crafts predominantly fictional tales that offer a much-needed escape from the complexities and stresses of modern life. He firmly believes that storytelling serves as a vital means of relaxation and tension relief, offering solace to audiences in any setting. With a knack for public speaking, Remi has graced numerous seminars and symposiums, captivating large audiences with his narrative prowess. Additionally, he has penned and composed a plethora of stories, both published and unpublished. Notable works include titles such as 'Love from Hate,' 'He's Our Son,' and 'The Bullocks.' Beyond his storytelling endeavours, Remi is a practising lawyer, bringing a unique perspective to his creative pursuits.



Publisher - Infomediaworks Ltd

Language - English




Remi Oyedola

Published Date - April 30 2024

ISBN - 9780955256066

Dimensions - 19.7 x 13.2 x 0.8 cm

Page Count - 129

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