Her fairy prince


Title: Paperback
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"Her Fairy Prince" is a classic book written by Gertrude Warden. Set in the enchanting world of fairies, this captivating tale follows the journey of a young girl named Lily who stumbles upon an extraordinary magical realm. The story begins when Lily, lost in the woods, stumbles upon a secret passage that leads her to a kingdom inhabited by fairies. There, she encounters a handsome fairy prince named Tristan, who is destined to marry a princess from the human world. Lily, drawn to this mysterious world, embarks on a quest to win Tristan's heart and become his true love. As Lily navigates the challenges and obstacles that come her way, readers are taken on a delightful adventure filled with romance, magic, and courage. "Her Fairy Prince" is a timeless tale that explores themes of love, loyalty, and the power of belief. With its vivid descriptions, captivating characters, and heartwarming storyline, it is a book that will transport readers to an enchanting realm and leave them longing for more.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




Gertrude Warden

Published Date - September 06 2024

ISBN - 9609441021189

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.6 cm

Page Count - 278

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