Get Your PhD Done is a simple, four week programme that helps PhD or Masters students overcome motivational challenges. The book provides daily guidance drawing on the author's experience as a PhD student, alongside coaching principles and psychological theory. By the end of the book, you will have a concrete action plan to get your thesis done.
Want to understand a bit more about the book contents?
In Section 1, we look at your motivation for finishing your PhD. The learning objectives for this section are:
- To identify what you want to achieve when you finish the book.
- To summarise your motivation for finishing the PhD.
- To reflect on your readiness to deal with motivational challenges.
- To create a vision board to help you visualise finishing.
In Section 2, we explore your motivational difficulties. The learning objectives for this section are:
- To understand the key components of Self-Determination Theory.
- To reflect on motivations experienced in your PhD work.
- To identify key motivations behind starting your PhD.
- To begin to identify your key motivational challenges.
- To apply the core components of Self-Determination Theory.
- To discover your values and how these relate to your PhD.
In Section 3, we clarify your specific motivational difficulties. The learning objectives for this section are:
- To gain insight into your motivational barriers.
- To develop a specific problem statement summarising your challenges.
Finally, in Section 4, we facilitate the development of an action plan. The learning objectives for this section are:
- To clarify how you will approach your motivational challenges.
- To classify the type of problems you are dealing with.
- To develop a range of actions you can choose from.
- To evaluate the actions you could take.
- To create a coherent action plan.
- To consider the potential barriers to implementing your plan.
- To identify how you will be accountable for achieving your plan.
- To reflect on how you will celebrate your achievements.
You may also be interested in other editions of the book. Alongside the e-book, there is a paperback version. To support students who find reading more challenging, we have created a larger print version printed in OpenDyslexic font.
To access the free accompanying workbook, please visit
Get Your PhD Done!
Publisher - FB3 Publishing
Language - English
Benjamin Newton
Published Date - September 01 2023
ISBN - 9781739427801
Dimensions - 19.8 x 12.9 x 0.6 cm
Page Count - 107
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