"English Poor Law Policy" by Sidney Webb is a classic book that delves into the historical evolution of poor relief in England. Originally published in 1909, this work provides a comprehensive analysis of the Poor Law system, tracing its development from the 16th century through to the modern era. Webb offers insightful commentary on the various policies and approaches adopted over the centuries to address poverty and social welfare.
Through meticulous research and thoughtful analysis, Webb sheds light on the complexities and challenges of poor relief, offering valuable insights into the factors that have shaped social policy in England. This book remains a significant contribution to the study of social welfare and offers readers a deeper understanding of the historical context of poverty alleviation efforts in England.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Sidney Webb
Published Date - September 15 2024
ISBN - 9609441104356
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Page Count - 470
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