Step into the enchanting world of Vacari, where the destiny of realms hangs in the balance. Meet the noble Eladrin Elves, guardians of the ancient city E'vahona, as they form alliances with unlikely allies – powerful Good Dragons, mysterious Merfolk, resilient Humans, ethereal Nymphs, and the enigmatic black panther, Pumpkin. But in the shadows lurk treacherous foes: the malevolent Druchii (Dark Elves), ruthless Evil Dragons, and a host of sinister creatures and humans conspiring to destroy E'vahona. Brace yourself for an epic tale of magic, alliances, and betrayal as the fate of Vacari teeters on a knife's edge.
This captivating book bundle includes:
- Book 1: The Wicked Phoenix
- Book 2: Shadows Unveiled
- Book 3: Vacari's Resurgence: Healing Bonds
Embark on a journey through "The Elves of Vacari" and discover the power of unity and the resilience of hope amidst darkness.
Publisher - T.A. McEvoy
Language - English
T.A. McEvoy
Novelstormdesigns Etsy Com
Connor Wright
Published Date - June 20 2024
ISBN - 9605146000016
Dimensions - 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 cm
Page Count - 0
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