Dorothy Dale's Great Secret


Title: Paperback
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"Dorothy Dale's Great Secret" by Margaret Penrose is a captivating tale centered around the spirited young protagonist, Dorothy Dale. Set against the backdrop of a charming small-town life, the narrative unfolds as Dorothy embarks on a summer filled with adventure and mystery. The story captures the essence of childhood friendship and loyalty as Dorothy, along with her close friends, discovers a hidden plot that involves an intriguing secret.

As they navigate obstacles and embark on fun-filled escapades, the themes of bravery and unity shine through. Penrose’s writing brings to life the innocence and curiosity of youth, allowing readers to connect deeply with Dorothy’s experiences. The vibrant descriptions and engaging plot twists keep readers on their toes, making it a delightful read for children and young adults alike. Overall, this classic elevates the spirit of adventure and the importance of friendships, leaving a memorable impact on all who read it.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




Margaret Penrose

Published Date - September 14 2024

ISBN - 9609441089462

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.8 cm

Page Count - 144

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