"David Ives" is a classic book written by Arthur Stanwood Pier that delves into the life and career of the renowned playwright, David Ives. The book traces Ives' journey from his early days to becoming a prolific and highly acclaimed playwright in the world of theatre. Pier expertly captures the essence of Ives' unique style and innovative approach to storytelling, making this book a must-read for theatre enthusiasts and aspiring playwrights alike. Through insightful commentary and analysis, Pier offers readers a glimpse into the mind of a master storyteller and sheds light on the creative process behind some of Ives' most famous works. With engaging prose and a deep understanding of the subject matter, "David Ives" is a captivating read that provides valuable insights into the world of theatre and the creative spirit of one of its brightest stars.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Arthur Stanwood Pier
Published Date - September 14 2024
ISBN - 9609441094664
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.1 cm
Page Count - 196
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