"Chicago and its Cess-Pools of Infamy" by Samuel Paynter Wilson is a classic book that delves deep into the dark underbelly of the infamous city of Chicago. Through detailed accounts and vivid descriptions, Wilson exposes the hidden cesspools of crime, corruption, and vice that plagued the city during the early 20th century. From the notorious red-light district to the ruthless gangsters and corrupt politicians, Wilson uncovers a world of deceit and debauchery that lurks beneath the surface of the Windy City.
Through meticulous research and compelling storytelling, Wilson sheds light on the seedy side of Chicago, painting a vivid picture of a city rife with immorality and lawlessness. "Chicago and its Cess-Pools of Infamy" is a gripping read that offers a fascinating glimpse into a bygone era of sin and scandal in one of America's most notorious cities.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Samuel Paynter Wilson
Published Date - June 21 2024
ISBN - 9789916757222
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.5 cm
Page Count - 90
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