Brothers and sisters


Title: Paperback
Sale price£6.95



"Brothers and Sisters" by Abbie Farwell Brown is a heartwarming collection of short stories that explores the sibling bond. The book delves into the complex relationship between brothers and sisters and captures the essence of the many different dynamics that exist within families.

Each story presents a unique and relatable tale of brotherhood or sisterhood, showcasing the joys, challenges, and growth that come with these relationships. From tales of playful rivalry and shared adventures to stories of sacrifice and unconditional love, the book offers a variety of perspectives on the sibling experience.

Abbie Farwell Brown's writing is compelling and evocative, filled with beautiful imagery and heartfelt emotions. She skillfully portrays the intricacies of sibling relationships and the enduring connection that exists between brothers and sisters. The stories are engaging and thought-provoking, leaving the reader with a sense of nostalgia and a renewed appreciation for the wonders of familial bonds.

"Brothers and Sisters" is a timeless classic that will resonate with readers of all ages. It is a charming and poignant collection that celebrates the enduring power of sibling love.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




Abbie Farwell Brown

Published Date - September 18 2024

ISBN - 9609441128819

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.4 cm

Page Count - 72

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