Avicenna’s Views and Modern Medicine: Revisiting Translation and Bridging the Gaps - Revisiting Avicenna’s Philosophy Analogous to Modern Medical Sciences. 

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Simple Science on Personalized Health Improvement and Energy Empowerment.

Avicenna has drawn simple and comprehensive pictures of disease-causing factors and their treatment in his non-digitalized era. For instance, his observations and clinical analogy about bloating and the correlation of flatulence with other diseases and symptoms highlight his clinical wisdom. Prominently, he emphasized the frequency-diet concept for elderly people (geriatric) and defined the simple disease-causing science behind neuropathies. He intriguingly suggested different food-specific management for lean and obese geriatric. Captivatingly, he detailed how to remove the fear of death by understanding the real essence of death. Moreover, he focused on psychological ailments and their treatments and provided fascinating lessons to learn.

  The current mini-book vividly presents information to handle important questions. What are the key factors that help to empower body energy? What is disease-cause, and how a symptom is different from a disease-cause?  How does a frequency-diet improve the health of geriatric? Why reshaping the dietary system is necessary for lean and obese subjects? What are the causing factors of bloating in Avicenna’s text and modern medicine? What is the concept of warming drugs? How do phlegm types (Avicenna's concepts) correlate to modern medicine? How can we define the concept of unique temperament in modern science? Why does overlapping between the two (Avicenna’s medicinal concepts and modern medicine) necessitate further interpretation? How to remove the fear of death in the light of Avicenna’s prospects? How does humorism theory help to differentiate between an infant and a young body?

  The author of this book also shared his own experience, offered a few tools and techniques, and scientific fantasies to help his readers understand the personalized health improvement aspects, and elaborated the underlying principles in the light of Avicenna's philosophy and modern medicine. 


Keywords: Avicenna’s Views, Aging, Anxiety, Canon of Medicine, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Cupping, Disease Causing Factors, Death, Fasting, Fear, Flatulence, Fragrance, Geriatric Food, Healthy Personalized Food, Hereditary Genetics, Humorism, Infantile Body, Massage, Modern Medicine, Neuropathies, Obesity, Personalized Temperament, Phlegm, Powerful Healing, Purgation, Regimenal Therapies, Soul.




A special discount offer on this author's books is available for university and college students, faculty, researchers, scientists, and libraries.


Publisher - Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Manwar

Language - English




Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Manwar

Published Date - February 22 2024

ISBN - 9781738513444

Dimensions - 23.5 x 19.1 x 0.6 cm

Page Count - 80

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