At the "Sign of the Golden Fleece" is a classic book written by Emma Leslie. It follows the story of two orphaned siblings, Lorna and Lionel, who are taken in by their uncle, Sir Matthew Lempriere. The children soon discover that their uncle is part of a secret society known as the Knights of the Golden Fleece, which aims to protect the crown jewels of England from thieves.
As Lorna and Lionel become involved in their uncle's mission, they uncover a plot to steal the priceless jewels. With the help of their loyal friend, Tom, and their clever dog, Trusty, the children embark on a thrilling adventure to foil the thieves' plans and save the crown jewels.
At the "Sign of the Golden Fleece" is an exciting and suspenseful tale that captures the imagination of readers. Emma Leslie skillfully weaves together a story filled with mystery, action, and bravery, while also exploring themes of family, loyalty, and sacrifice. This classic book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys thrilling adventures and tales of heroic children.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Emma Leslie
Published Date - September 07 2024
ISBN - 9609441025095
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
Page Count - 235
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