"Apprentice to the Hero" is a gripping tale of courage, betrayal, and the quest for truth. Elara, a young woman from a humble village, finds herself thrust into the role of an apprentice to the legendary hero, Gideon. As she embarks on a journey filled with peril and discovery, she uncovers dark secrets that challenge everything she believed about the hero's legacy. From the quiet beginnings of her ordinary life to the heart-wrenching choices she must make, Elara’s story is one of transformation, resilience, and the ultimate test of loyalty. Will she rise to the challenge and forge a new path for her people, or will the weight of the truth shatter everything she holds dear? In a world where legends are not always what they seem, "Apprentice to the Hero" is a compelling fantasy adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Publisher - RWG Publishing
Language - English
Author(s) - Maxwell Stonebridge
Published Date - December 11 2024
ISBN - 9798330391943
Dimensions - 20.3 x 12.7 x 1.8 cm
Page Count - 320
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