Anthony John


Title: Paperback
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"Anthony John" is a classic novel written by Jerome K. Jerome, an English author and humorist known for his wit and insightful observations. The story follows the life of Anthony John, a struggling writer who navigates through the challenges and triumphs of love and career in early 20th century London. As the protagonist grapples with the complexities of relationships and personal growth, Jerome K. Jerome skillfully weaves humor and poignancy into the narrative, offering a glimpse into the human experience with depth and authenticity. With its engaging storytelling and rich character development, "Anthony John" remains a timeless tale that resonates with readers of all ages, exploring themes of ambition, love, and the pursuit of happiness in a changing world.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




Jerome K. Jerome

Published Date - September 15 2024

ISBN - 9609441102949

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm

Page Count - 169

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