"Angel Esquire" is a classic detective novel written by Edgar Wallace, an English author and playwright best known for his crime fiction. Set in London, the story follows A.J. Gillingham, a young and ambitious lawyer who takes on a challenging case. When a wealthy man is found dead, suspicion falls on his beautiful step-daughter, but Gillingham believes she is innocent. Determined to prove her innocence and find the real killer, Gillingham embarks on a thrilling investigation. As he delves deeper into the case, he encounters a cast of eccentric characters, twists and turns, and unexpected revelations. With his sharp intellect and unwavering determination, Gillingham is an engaging and likable protagonist. Wallace, known for his fast-paced storytelling and intricate plotting, keeps readers on the edge of their seats with this gripping detective novel. Full of suspense and mystery, "Angel Esquire" is a classic that will captivate fans of crime fiction and lovers of a good detective story.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Edgar Wallace
Published Date - September 09 2024
ISBN - 9609441040968
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.1 cm
Page Count - 196
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