Join Abby, a brave and kind-hearted bear, on an enchanting adventure in "Abby and The Gaggle of Geese." On a sunny day, Abby comes across a group of geese who aren’t as friendly as they first seem. Through vibrant illustrations and a heartwarming narrative, children will explore the importance of kindness, understanding bullying, and finding the courage to stand up for themselves and others. As Abby faces this challenge, young readers will learn valuable lessons on empathy, friendship, and speaking out against unfair treatment. This delightful tale entertains while empowering children with the tools to navigate social challenges with confidence and compassion. Perfect for children aged 3 to 10, it’s a story that both captivates and inspires.
Publisher - Teddy's Inc.
Language - English
Author(s) - Deborah McPhilemy | Damian Wilsnach
Published Date - October 28 2024
ISBN - 9780994661548
Dimensions - 21 x 21 x 0.6 cm
Page Count - 47
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