The fourth story of the Zodiac Tales, The Tale of Calypso, The Creative Crab, is about a goofy and artistic little crab who lives on the rebellious side of life. Our story begins on Christmas Island, a small floating piece of land at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Unlike the other crabs in her tribe, Calypso was born with one smaller claw. Her unique appearance has always made her conscious that she would never fit in with the other crabs or accomplish what they have. Yet, Calypso would not let her quirks hold her back in life. Cancers are governed by the moon, which means they can change their minds quickly and adapt to different situations. Will young Calypso overcome the obstacles in her path and become the greatest dancer the world has ever seen?
Publisher - BookVAULT Publishing
Language - English
Charis Papalas
Mousam Banerjee
Ana Joldes
Published Date - January 16 2024
ISBN - 9781836020004
Dimensions - 27.9 x 21.6 x 0.5 cm
Page Count - 40
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