This gripping story of survival and courage follows Rish, a young boy living in one of the poorest slums of India. With his best friend, he manages to survive despite the rampant poverty, but tragedy strikes when a con man promises to give them a job and they find themselves thrust into a world of betrayal and mystery. Forced to rely on their wits and courage, Rish and his sister Mariam find that their journey will test them in ways they never imagined. An intense story of survival and courage in the face of great odds.
"Rish and Mariam's heart-breaking tale is woven from the real lives of thousands of Indian street children. Shocking and inspiring, theirs is a story that needs to be read." David Maidment, Founder of Railway Children Charity.
"Fantastic book that instills empathy and hope for a brighter tomorrow through hard work, determination and at times a little bit of luck. This is powerful story that both children and adults alike will enjoy from beginning to end." NK
A wonderfully though provoking story which draws you into a world very different from our own. The tale of Rish and Mariam is beautifully told and moves at a pace that keeps the reader engrossed and asking for more. A book for all ages. AL
This book introduces children to the harsh injustices and inequalities across the world. It is sensitively written but does not sugarcoat. CC
Publisher - Box of Books
Language - English
Author(s) - Caroline Boxall
Published Date - November 26 2024
ISBN - 9781838238858
Dimensions - 20.3 x 12.7 x 1.2 cm
Page Count - 205
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