In the quaint village of Eldergrove, young Lily dreams of adventure beyond the familiar hills and forests. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she receives a mysterious invitation to the Magical Forest, a place of enchantment and wonder. Guided by a wise owl named Orion and accompanied by her loyal dog Max, a mischievous fairy named Puck, and a brave squirrel named Nutmeg, Lily embarks on a journey that will change her life forever.
As Lily navigates the magical forest, she encounters talking animals, enchanted plants, and hidden villages. But the forest is under threat from a dark force known as the Shadow. With courage and determination, Lily must harness her latent magical abilities to confront the Shadow and restore balance to the forest.
Filled with adventure, friendship, and the power of unity, “The Magical Forest: A Tale of Enchantment and Wonder” is a heartwarming story of bravery and hope. Join Lily on her epic journey as she discovers the magic within herself and learns that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a difference.
Publisher - RWG Publishing
Language - English
Author(s) - Tristan Evergreen
Published Date - December 11 2024
ISBN - 9798330402793
Dimensions - 20.3 x 12.7 x 0.4 cm
Page Count - 76
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