The Little Green Goblin is a classic children's book written by J. B. Naylor, full of whimsical charm and delightful adventures. The story follows the mischievous Little Green Goblin as he wreaks havoc in the town, causing mischief and mayhem wherever he goes. However, as the townspeople band together to find a solution, they soon discover that the Little Green Goblin may not be as scary as he seems.
With its engaging storyline and memorable characters, The Little Green Goblin is a timeless tale that teaches important lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the power of working together. Children and adults alike will be captivated by the enchanting world created by J. B. Naylor, making this book a beloved classic for generations to come.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
J. B. Naylor
Published Date - April 10 2024
ISBN - 9781101984857
Dimensions - 23.4 x 15.6 x 0.8 cm
Page Count - 133
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