Should you strive for more or be content with what you have? Should you play the status game or ignore it? Should you try to change others or leave them alone?
Life is complex and living well is more of an art than a science.
In his latest book, Essays, Thibaut Meurisse shares his insights on a variety of topics such as success, happiness, money, personal development and the meaning of life. He raises questions, shares frameworks, and offers various tools to help readers figure out how to make the most of their life.
More specifically, in Essays, you’ll learn:
- why we all seek status (and how to play the status game)
- why you must become your own brand
- the simple formula to happiness
- how to build an “anti-fragile” life
- why smart people do stupid things
- how to avoid becoming another statistic, and much more.
If you want to reflect on your life and start making changes to improve your level of success and your overall fulfilment, you will find this book essential.
Publisher - Thibaut Meurisse
Language - English
Thibaut Meurisse
Roy Pallas
Published Date - September 25 2024
ISBN - 9789916426814
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.2 cm
Page Count - 210
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