In the aftermath of an otherworldly invasion by The Others, Kaelin struggles for survival in a harsh new reality. As part of a makeshift camp battling aliens, bandits, and the savage wilderness, Kaelin's world takes a darker turn when fellow survivors vanish during a routine mission. Now thrust into a leadership role, he discovers a malevolent conspiracy against his friends.
In a race against time, Kaelin assembles an unlikely team - former Army soldiers, the enigmatic Drifters, and a tribe of Native Americans. Amidst the chaos, he grapples with haunting dreams and an emerging ability to communicate with The Others. As alliances form and betrayals loom, Kaelin must unravel the sinister plot to save his friends and confront a destiny entwined with the very beings that threaten humanity.
In this riveting tale, survival is not only a matter of outlasting the alien invaders but navigating the treacherous landscape of trust and deception.
Publisher - shanewrites, LLC
Language - English
Shane Goldsberry
Published Date - March 21 2024
ISBN - 9798989833221
Dimensions - 19.7 x 13.2 x 1.0 cm
Page Count - 174
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