We by Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin is a classic dystopian novel that explores themes of individuality, conformity, and surveillance in a futuristic society under strict government control. Set in a world where all citizens are known only by numbers and live in a glass-enclosed city, the protagonist D-503 begins to question the system and his place within it after meeting a woman who introduces him to the concept of free will and emotion. As he struggles with his newfound emotions and desires, D-503 is torn between loyalty to the state and the desire for personal freedom. Zamiatin's novel is a thought-provoking and prescient critique of totalitarianism, and his use of the diary format adds depth and intimacy to the narrative. A must-read for fans of dystopian fiction and philosophical literature.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin
Published Date - September 08 2024
ISBN - 9609441032598
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm
Page Count - 182
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