"Watching on the Rhine" is a classic book written by Violet R. Markham. Set in Germany during the tumultuous years leading up to World War II, the story follows the lives of a wealthy British family, the Saxons, who decide to spend a summer in their German estate on the Rhine River. As they enjoy the peaceful surroundings, tensions rise with the looming political unrest and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
The book beautifully captures the atmosphere of pre-war Germany, exploring themes of nationalism, fascism, and the moral dilemma faced by the Saxons as they witness the growing power of the Nazis. Through a series of vividly portrayed characters, the author brings to life the complexity of human emotions and the consequences of political ideologies on personal lives.
"Watching on the Rhine" is a thought-provoking novel that sheds light on the human experience during a critical moment in history. Markham's exquisite prose and well-researched historical background make this book a must-read for those interested in World War II and the era leading up to it.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Violet R. Markham
Published Date - September 09 2024
ISBN - 9609441043471
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm
Page Count - 182
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