"For the Good of the Team" is a classic sports fiction novel written by Ralph Henry Barbour. Set in the early 20th century, the story follows the trials and tribulations of Paul Graham, a talented young athlete who aims to make it big in college football. With a scholarship offer from a prestigious university hanging in the balance, Paul must navigate the pressures and challenges of being a part of a team.
The book explores themes such as teamwork, perseverance, and the sacrifices required to achieve success. As Paul and his teammates face setbacks and personal conflicts, they learn the importance of putting the good of the team above individual desires.
Barbour's writing style effectively captures the excitement and intensity of the football games, while also delving into the characters' inner struggles and personal growth. The book presents a compelling and realistic portrayal of the sports world, highlighting the dedication and commitment necessary to excel in a highly competitive field.
"For the Good of the Team" is a timeless tale that will resonate with sports enthusiasts and fans of character-driven narratives.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Ralph Henry Barbour
Published Date - September 06 2024
ISBN - 9609441017588
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.1 cm
Page Count - 183
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