Fertilisation or fertilization, also known as generative fertilisation, insemination, pollination,fecundation, syngamy and impregnation, is the fusion of gametes to initiate the development of a new individual organism or offspring. Developmental biology includes production of gametes, fertilization, development of the embryo, emergence of the adult organism, senescence, and death. Developmental biologists in the department attempt to understand the molecular, genetic, cellular, and integrative aspects of building an organism. Developmental biology aims to understand how an organism develops—how a single cell becomes an organized grouping of cells that is then programmed at specific times to become specialized for certain tasks.
Publisher - Westbury Publishing Ltd.
Language - English
Dr.Shanti R Jain
Published Date - January 01 2023
ISBN - 9781915230331
Dimensions - 24.1 x 15.9 x 1.5 cm
Page Count - 256
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