"Cousin Phillis" by Elizabeth Gaskell is a classic novella that tells the story of a young woman named Phillis Holman, as narrated by her cousin Paul Manning. Set in the English countryside during the Industrial Revolution, the novella explores themes of family, love, and societal change. Phillis is portrayed as a kind and innocent girl who captures the hearts of those around her, including Paul, who becomes enamored with her. However, their budding romance is complicated by unforeseen circumstances that test their relationship. Gaskell's poignant writing style and insightful characterization bring the story to life, offering readers a glimpse into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. "Cousin Phillis" is a timeless tale that continues to resonate with readers today.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Published Date - June 30 2024
ISBN - 9789916758588
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.5 cm
Page Count - 89
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