"Corleone: A Tale of Sicily" by F. Marion Crawford is a classic novel that delves into the intricate and complex world of Sicilian society. The story follows the powerful Corleone family, who rule the small town of Corleone with an iron fist. As the family navigates through betrayal, love, and power struggles, readers are taken on a gripping journey through the dark and mysterious landscape of Sicily.
Crawford's masterful storytelling and vivid descriptions bring the characters and setting to life, making it a captivating read for those who enjoy historical fiction and tales of family dynasties. "Corleone: A Tale of Sicily" is a timeless classic that explores themes of loyalty, honor, and the consequences of seeking power at any cost.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
F. Marion Crawford
Published Date - September 12 2024
ISBN - 9609441055979
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.3 cm
Page Count - 400
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