Confessions of a Thug by Meadows Taylor is a classic novel first published in 1839. Set in India during the 1830s, the story follows the life of Ameer Ali, a notorious thug who navigates through the criminal underworld of the time. The novel explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of a life of crime. Meadows Taylor's detailed and vivid descriptions of the Indian landscape and culture provide a rich backdrop for the intriguing plot. The book is a gripping and thrilling read that offers a fascinating insight into the history and society of India during the British colonial period. "Confessions of a Thug" is a must-read for those who enjoy historical fiction and adventure novels.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Meadows Taylor
Published Date - September 13 2024
ISBN - 9609441072303
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.0 cm
Page Count - 536
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