Children of Men is a classic book written by Eden Phillpotts. Set in a dystopian future, the story takes place in a world where humanity is facing the imminent extinction of the human race due to an inexplicable global infertility crisis. The book follows the journey of Theodore Faron, a sociology professor who finds himself caught up in a dangerous and chaotic world.
As the world spirals into chaos, with governments collapsing and society breaking down, Faron becomes involved with a group of rebels who are fighting against the oppressive regime. Along the way, he encounters a young woman who mysteriously becomes pregnant, offering a glimmer of hope in a bleak world.
Children of Men is a thought-provoking novel that explores themes such as hope, despair, and the resilience of the human spirit. Phillpotts' skillful writing and vivid imagery create a gripping and suspenseful atmosphere, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. With its dark and dystopian setting, the book serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of losing hope and the importance of fighting for a better future.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Eden Phillpotts
Published Date - September 07 2024
ISBN - 9609441022469
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Page Count - 482
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