Title: Paperback
Sale price£7.45



"Caprice" is a classic novel written by Ronald Firbank, an acclaimed author and writer known for his unique and eccentric style. Published in 1917, this book tells the story of a group of quirky and unconventional characters who live in a sleepy English town. The narrative is filled with humor, wit, and satire as it delves into the lives and relationships of this eccentric cast of characters.

Firbank's writing style is characterized by its flamboyant and exaggerated tone, filled with extravagant descriptions and playful language. "Caprice" is a prime example of his signature style, with its vibrant prose and lively dialogue. Through his sharp observations and clever wordplay, Firbank explores themes of love, desire, and societal expectations.

Overall, "Caprice" is a delightful and entertaining read that offers a unique glimpse into early 20th-century society. With its colorful characters and humorous narrative, this novel is sure to captivate readers who appreciate unconventional storytelling and sharp wit.



Publisher - Lettel

Language - English




Ronald Firbank

Published Date - September 06 2024

ISBN - 9609441018936

Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.5 cm

Page Count - 92

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