Cape Coddities is a collection of stories set in the charming and picturesque Cape Cod, written by the renowned author and writer, Roger Livingston Scaife. This classic book takes readers on a journey through a series of charming and whimsical tales that capture the essence of life on Cape Cod.
From tales of eccentric and colorful characters to stories of love, loss, and redemption, Scaife weaves together a collection of narratives that paint a vivid picture of this unique coastal region. Each story in the book offers a glimpse into the lives of the characters who call Cape Cod home, exploring themes of community, resilience, and the power of human connection.
Scaife's evocative and lyrical writing style brings the Cape Cod landscape to life, allowing readers to feel the salty sea breeze, hear the crashing waves, and smell the scent of sea spray. Cape Coddities is a timeless and enchanting book that will transport readers to the idyllic world of Cape Cod, capturing their hearts and imaginations with its memorable characters and captivating stories.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Roger Livingston Scaife
Published Date - September 14 2024
ISBN - 9609441093599
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.3 cm
Page Count - 57
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