"Beyond the Black River" is a compelling adventure tale by Robert E. Howard, featuring his iconic character, Conan the Barbarian. Set in a richly imagined Hyborian world, the story unfolds on the fringes of civilization where untamed wilderness and treachery reign. Conan, a rugged and formidable warrior, finds himself tasked with securing the border of Aquilonia against the savage Picts, an indigenous tribe known for their brutal ferocity.
As Conan navigates the dangers of the frontier, he encounters not only the lurking threats of the Picts but also the mystical elements of the dark forest and ancient ruins. Howard's vivid prose and intense action sequences highlight Conan's physical prowess and strategic cunning, bringing forth themes of survival and the primal instincts that govern human nature.
With its thrilling narrative and rich imagery, "Beyond the Black River" captivates readers, showcasing Howard's ability to blend fantasy with visceral adventure, making it a standout in the Conan series.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Robert E. Howard
Published Date - September 12 2024
ISBN - 9609441062496
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.4 cm
Page Count - 59
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