"Anne of Green Gables" is a beloved classic novel written by L. M. Montgomery. This enchanting story follows the adventures of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and spirited young orphan who is mistakenly sent to live with siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert on their farm in Avonlea. Anne's exuberant personality and vivid imagination bring color and joy to the lives of those around her, while also leading her into comical and heartwarming situations. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Prince Edward Island, Canada, this novel beautifully captures the essence of rural life in the early 20th century. With its themes of friendship, family, love, and self-discovery, "Anne of Green Gables" continues to charm readers of all ages with its timeless tale of resilience, imagination, and the power of a positive outlook on life.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
L. M. Montgomery
Published Date - June 24 2024
ISBN - 9789916757741
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Page Count - 245
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