"Angel Unawares: A Story of Christmas Eve" by C. N. Williamson is a poignant and heartwarming tale that captures the spirit of giving and the essence of Christmas. Set against the backdrop of a cold winter's night, the story follows a young boy who encounters a mysterious stranger in need. The narrative unfolds with rich imagery and emotional depth, exploring themes of compassion, sacrifice, and the true meaning of the holiday season. As the boy’s innate kindness draws him to help the stranger, readers are reminded of the importance of empathy and humanity during challenging times. Williamson weaves a narrative that is both timeless and relevant, encouraging readers to reflect on their own capacity for kindness. This enchanting tale not only entertains but also inspires, making it a perfect addition to anyone’s holiday reading list, resonating with both young and old alike.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
C. N. Williamson
Published Date - September 13 2024
ISBN - 9609441070019
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Page Count - 30
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