"A Vagrant Wife" is a classic novel written by Florence Warden. First published in 1893, the book tells a riveting story of love, betrayal, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of Victorian England, the novel follows the life of Lady Penelope Slingsby, a beautiful and wealthy woman from a privileged background. However, her life takes a sharp turn when she falls in love with a charming but deceitful man named Arthur Everard. Despite warnings from her family and friends, Penelope marries Arthur, only to discover that he is a con artist who has been manipulating her for his own gain. As her world crumbles around her, Penelope is forced to confront the consequences of her choices and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With its compelling storyline and richly drawn characters, "A Vagrant Wife" is a timeless tale that delves into themes of love, betrayal, and the power of personal redemption.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Florence Warden
Published Date - September 10 2024
ISBN - 9609441048001
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.0 cm
Page Count - 349
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