"A Little House in War Time" by Agnes Castle is a classic book that tells the story of a young girl named Marianne who must navigate the challenges and hardships of wartime. Set during World War II, the novel follows Marianne as she learns to adapt to the changes brought about by the conflict, while also discovering strength and resilience within herself. Agnes Castle's vivid and compelling writing style draws the reader into Marianne's world, allowing them to experience the emotions and struggles of the characters firsthand. This poignant tale of courage, hope, and the enduring power of love is a timeless and heart-wrenching story that will stay with readers long after they have finished the last page.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Agnes Castle
Published Date - September 08 2024
ISBN - 9609441040272
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm
Page Count - 168
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