A rich and profound contribution to the debate on the position of modern Christianity opened up Kraemer's The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World. In Religion and the Christian Faith he deals with many of the criticisms of his position, and offers an apologia, at once luminous and massive, of the Christian religion as the revelation of God to Man and the faith for all mankind. There is a decisive Christian finality about Kraemer's writing, and his book is a significant contribution to the sharp discipline of faith and action under which the universal Christian community lives. All the way through his formidably marshalled arguments run the undertones of Christian involvement in a real, world - a world which, by his astonishing grasp of philosophy, Biblical theology and the claims of religion and religions, the Author brings alive to the reader. The reading of this formative book, with its strenuous demands on the reader's intelligence and Christian understanding, is a rewarding experience. Its significance for the Christian Church throughout the world is obvious, but it is also a monumental witness to the Christian religion for all those who ask not only for a faith 'once delivered' but a faith to believe in their own day and generation.
Publisher -
Language - English
Hendrik Kraemer
Published Date -
ISBN - 9780227170496
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Page Count - 460
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