This is a work of ready-reference, entirely confined to matters of worship. It does not limit itself to any specific period, nor is it devoted to one Church only, but attempts to be truly ecumenical. This lexicon contains over 800 entries, many of them simple definitions. There are also full-length articles for the more complex themes, which include the history of the object or practice described. The entries selected are those that the student of liturgy is likely to encounter most frequently. Bibliographical references are given for the main items and a special feature, when a liturgical document is concerned, is the listing of original texts and, where readily available, translations together with critical studies. Cross-references are indicated by an asterisk. Davies has successfully managed to cover all the Christian centuries. His book is an indispensable tool for all students of worship and anyone interested in the subject of worship.
Publisher -
Language - English
John Gordon Davies
J. G. Davies
Edited by
J.G. Davies
Published Date -
ISBN - 9780227170106
Dimensions - 21.6 x 13.8 x 0.8 cm
Page Count - 147
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