Embark on an enchanting journey with Charming Chocolates: The Lab Adventure Book, a delightful 114-page activity book designed for Chocolate Labrador lovers. Dive into the world of these beloved canines with an 8.5" x 11" perfect-sized format and a high-quality matte cover that sets the stage for an engaging experience.
Open the book to a warm "Welcome to Charming Chocolates: A Lab Adventure Introduction," setting the tone for the exciting exploration that follows. Discover the magic of the "Celebrating Chocolate Labs Poem," capturing the essence of these delightful companions.
Delve into "Chocolate Charms: Lab Legend 50 Facts Unleashed," unlocking the secrets and wonders of Chocolate Labs. Challenge yourself with the "ChocoLab Challenge: 25 Trivia Triumphs" and two mind-teasing "Choco Challenge Word Scrambles."
Engage in creative activities, including "Chocolate Lab Coloring Fun," with 20 captivating pages and five stimulating "Chocolate Crossword Challenges." Sharpen your mind with "Labrador Language Hunt Word Searches" and navigate through "Choco Maze Mission Puzzles" for an added thrill.
Wrap up the adventure with solutions to all puzzles and savor the heartfelt "A Lab’s Love Poem." Charming Chocolates is not just a book; it's a celebration of the playful spirit and boundless love that Chocolate Labs bring into our lives. Order your copy now, and let the adventure begin!
Publisher - Tio Felipe Designs
Language - English
Tio Felipe
Published Date - July 06 2024
ISBN - 9798895080702
Dimensions - 27.9 x 21.6 x 0.7 cm
Page Count - 114
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