The Last Crash, written by Kenneth Latour, is a classic book that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the world of finance and the stock market. Set in the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis, the story follows protagonist John Hutchinson, a young and ambitious trader, as he tries to navigate the chaotic and unpredictable world of Wall Street.
As the financial markets collapse and economic turmoil reverberates around the world, Hutchinson must make difficult decisions that could save or ruin his career. Along the way, he uncovers a web of corruption and deception that shakes him to the core.
Latour's writing is both gripping and insightful, shedding light on the inner workings of the financial world and the consequences of unchecked greed. The Last Crash is a thought-provoking novel that explores the human side of the crisis and the impact it had on individuals and society as a whole.
With its compelling storyline and well-developed characters, The Last Crash is a must-read for anyone interested in finance, economics, or simply enjoying a thrilling and thought-provoking novel.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Kenneth Latour
Published Date - September 07 2024
ISBN - 9609441023763
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.5 cm
Page Count - 81
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