Nick Carter Stories No. 155, August 28, 1915: The Gordon Elopement; or, Nick Carter's Three of a Kind is a classic detective novel written by the renowned author and writer Nicholas Carter. This thrilling story follows the famous detective Nick Carter as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of a young heiress, Sandra Gordon, who elopes with her lover against her father's wishes. With his quick wit and keen eye for detail, Nick Carter sets out to unravel the truth behind the Gordon elopement, facing unexpected twists and turns along the way. Readers are taken on a suspenseful journey as Nick Carter uses his unparalleled investigative skills to solve the case and bring justice to those involved. This timeless piece of detective fiction is a must-read for fans of mystery and suspense genres.
Publisher - Lettel
Language - English
Nicholas Carter
Published Date - September 06 2024
ISBN - 9609441016604
Dimensions - 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.7 cm
Page Count - 125
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