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The number of women who freebirth is growing. The stories in this book, contributed by women who have freebirthed across the UK, help to explain why. These women describe how they came to be thinking about freebirth, how they prepared for it, and how their births unfolded. For some it was part of a journey following difficult past experiences with maternity services, for others it simply fitted with their beliefs and some grew in confidence with each pregnancy and birth. The women highlighted the failings in maternity care that can leave many traumatised, and told us about what they felt they needed to achieve a safe and positive pregnancy, labour and birth for them and their babies. Many describe how nourished they were by birth stories and hope that theirs will nourish others.

We hope that parents, doulas and birth workers both inside and outside maternity systems will gain from this book a deeper understanding about the power of women and birth when women feel safe and trusted. When those with them inspire confidence, trust birth, let it unfold without disturbance and surround the woman with care and love, birth can be healing, strengthening and sustaining. While occasionally obstetric help is needed, given the right circumstances, many women can experience the profound joy and magic of bringing forth new life themselves.


Publisher - Birth Practice and Politics Forum

Language - English




Mavis Kirkham

Nadine Edwards

Published Date - October 16 2023

ISBN - 9781916060623

Dimensions - 24.4 x 17.0 x 1.6 cm

Page Count - 276

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