This dictionary not only presents for the first time a large corpus of vocalised Ancient Egyptian words, but reveals the unknown presence of various types of vowels in the hieroglyphic script, and how to read them.
Among them are unexpected digraphs/diphthongs – the existence of which have never been understood before now. Originally during the early nineteenth century, the first main steps in the phonetics of the hieroglyphic script were made by Johan David Åkerblad and Thomas Young. These were followed by the subsequent discovery of the base principles of the hieroglyphic system by Jean François Champollion between 1822 and 1828.
The discovery of these previously unrecognised vowels and the principles regulating them open new doors to the vocalisation of the Ancient Egyptian language. They also lay the foundations for the future comprehension of ancient Egyptian texts, poetry in particular, by adding sound to meaning.
This second edition of the dictionary is expanded with twice as many words with digraphs/diphthongs and two new appendices. One details further the use of vowels in the hieroglyphic script, and the other presents Ptolemaic and Roman cartouches where the digraphs/diphthongs are unequivocally used to express the names of Ptolemaic rulers and Roman emperors. Thus providing a solid entry point to recognising them and understanding their functioning phonology.
442 pages. 25 tables & 7 figures. 29.7 x 21 x 2,2 cm. 1605 g. Hardback
Language - English
Christian de Vartavan
Published Date - December 01 2022
ISBN - 9781913984168
Dimensions - 29.7 x 21.0 x 1.9 cm
Page Count - 442
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